• The Board of Regents has cancelled Regents exams for June 2020. Students who were scheduled to take any Regents exam during June 2020 will be exmpt from the exam and still receive Regents credits toward graduation if they meet one of the criteria in the chart below:

    Student Profile

    Exemption Status (Regents, Pathways, Checkpoint B,  CDOS)

    Grades 7-12 students currently enrolled in a course that will culminate in a Regents who will earn course credit by the end of 2019-20 school year

    Exempt from Regents Exam

    Grades 7-12 students currently enrolled in a course that will culminate in a Regents who will not earn course credit by the end of 2019-20 school year

    If student attends summer school in 2020 to earn course credit, they are still exempt from the culminating Regents Exam if it is administered in August 2020

    Grades 8-12 students who are not currently enrolled in a course that will culminate in a Regents, but were in the past and have already earned course credit and planned on taking the Exam in June 2020

    Exempt from Regents Exam

    Any student preparing to take a +1 Pathways Assessment in June 2020 who:

    1.     Currently or previously enrolled in the course that leads to the pathway exam and will or has already earned course credit, or

    2.     ELL student whose home language is Chinese, French, Italian, Korean or Spanish, intending to take LOTE +1 or

    3.   Student intending to use the ASL +1 Pathway

    Exempt from Pathway Assessment

    Any student who will have earned 3 course credits by end of school year 2019-20 in LOTE, who was intending on taking the LOTE Checkpoint B Exam in June 2020 for an Advanced Regents Diploma

    Exempt from Checkpoint B Exam

    Any student exiting high school in June 2020 who is unable to meet the requirements of the CDOS Commencement Credential or the CDOS +1 Pathway who has demonstrated proficiency of the CDOS learning standards

    1.     Granted a waiver from the completion of the 216 hours of CTE Instruction and/or

    2.     Granted a waiver of the 54 hours of work-based learning requirement and/or

    3.     Granted a waiver from any other NYSED approved exam that may have been being used to achieve the CDOS =1 Pathway

    *Student eligible to earn either the Regents or Local diploma as applicable

    *For determining use of safety nets or awarding a Regents or Local Diploma all exempted exams should be considered as a score of 65